Thursday, November 7, 2013

Geek News: Star Wars Episode VII

For months now we have all been anticipating for Disney to release information on Episode VII.  They did announce a few months back that there would be a series of three movies released every year, but all of us Star Wars fans want more information and that moment is finally here.

We are excited to announce that Star Wars Episode VII will be coming out December 18th 2015.  This seems like such a long time, but once its here we will see one movie every year for at least three years. Ever since Disney bought out Lucas Films we all been wondering how these new set of Star Wars movies will be and how the story line will play in.  Star Wars fans have such a high expectation of these movies, especially since Episode I, II, and III didn't excite many Star Wars fans like the old movies did.  Disney has made sure that the person who is repsonsible for the making of this movie is already a genious, JJ Abrams.  We think this could go really well or it could go really bad.  If Abrams is not careful and uses any ideas that were similar to Star Trek it will do nothing but disappoint Star Wars fans.  As much as we all love the Star Trek
movies we all know that these are two fandoms that we always want to keep seperated.  We are hoping that the Disney and Abrams team up produces a great Star Wars movie that all of us Star Wars geeks can enjoy, but we won't judge it either way until we see it for ourselves and see how much excitement and originality it can bring.  Any geek movie that Disney has made up to this point has not been terrible so we are hoping that continues with the next set of Star Wars movies.  One thing that confused us a little was the fact that Harrison Ford stated on many talk shows that he would be part of the new movies but now he is backing out saying that is not the case.  We are a little bummed that he won't even be making an appearance in the new movies.  There have been so many rumors about who is going to be on the cast list but nothing factual.  Hopefully when they release the cast of the new movie then it will bring even more exciement and give us an idea on a plot line.  Either way we are excited for this movie and cannot wait until a preview is released let alone the movie being released.  We are hoping that the excitement and anticipation that everyone will have over this movie doesn't ruin anything good that this movie has to offer. Let's face it there have always been a high set of expectation for Star Wars.  Hopefully we can all look forward to some epic Star Wars movies in the near future.  Let us know what your feelings are about the new movie.   

Blog written by Geeking 4 Everyone

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