Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Movie Review: Hunger Games

Ever since the last Hunger Games, fans across the globe have been pumped for the last part of the trilogy.  That moment finally arrived when this movie was released a few days ago.  Last season we watched as distinct 13 was formed and watched Katniss and Peta struggle to get back to one another.  And at the very end we see Peta strangle Katniss and nearly killing the love of his life.  As fans we were pumped for a long time to see what happens next and now we finally get that chance. It's time for the war with The Capital, and this could be the most compelling and devastating movie yet.

It was time for War on the Capital and President Snow, and this may be the most intense Hunger Games yet.  And there is also an issue with Peta's hatred towards Katniss.  From the start of the movie we see Peta's Hatred for Katniss when he tells her sister that she is evil and needs to be killed. Throughout the movie it is hard to know whether or not if Peta is going to kill Katniss or someone else.  And when and where he can possibly snap, he spend most of the movie either tied down to a bed or with his hands tied up.  It was very obvious that the Capital and President Snow had caused some major mental damage on Peta.  This makes Katniss more and more angry to see how much Peta hates her, and it just makes her more desperate to go and Kill President Snow.  President Coin tells her that its not time yet and they must gain the support from district 2 due to needing to store fire power there.  Then in the beginning of the movie Katniss gets shot by some civilians siding with President Snow.  She convinces them to stop fighting for him and is of course ok. Gwendoline Christie is head of district 2 and she is not too fond of supporting Coins wishes.  She is afraid of the danger and is not sure Coin is able to promise protection.  Coin convinces her into helping and that makes them one step closer from being able to attack the Capital and one step closer to taking over Panem and put Katniss in the field again to continue to be the Mockingjay.  We see President Snow get frustrated throughout the movie at how much trouble President Coin, Katniss, and the rest of district 13 were stirring up.  Peta then tells Katniss about the story when they met and how he took a beating from his parents for giving her food, and how he wished that he let her starve because she wasn't worth the beating.  Katniss continued to be adamant about getting to the Capital and killing Snow.  Finnick and his girlfriend get married, Katniss was planning to leave right after the ceremony and she had one last dance with Prim and then she was off to the front lines.  When she danced with Prim it was almost like it was the last time she was going to see her.  Throughout the movie there was also forced romance between Katniss and Gale.  She kissed him a few times and he told her that it felt like he was forcing her to kiss him and it didn't feel right.  He said she only kissed him when he was upset, which appeared to always be true now and in the past.  In the last two movies it was obvious that Gale changed.  He is not as compassionate as he use to be and doesn't seem to care who is caught in the crossfire as long as the mission is done.  Hammidge was also the best support system that Katniss could have gotten in this movie.

After she arrived she met her troops and again Boggs was the leader.  Peta and Finnick also joined Katniss and her group.  Katniss was pretty convinced that Coin sent Peta to have her killed, and he stayed with his hands tied most of the time.  There was a tracking system they had to use due to there being so many traps set up, unfortunately even with the system telling them where there were so many traps and Boggs got hit by one of them and it killed him.  He gave security clearance to Katniss and she lied to the group and said he and Coin gave her access which was not true.  Eventually they went through a tunnel to get President Snow and this did not work out very well.  They encountered some zombie like creatures and they were vicious.  The group was barely able to escape them and unfortunately Finnick died.  Once they get out President snow announces that he wants to get everyone fed, and first the children get air lifted.  Then some parachutes come down from the sky and bombs go off and kill all those children.  This was definitely the most horrific part in the entire movie series period.  Then of course President Coin and her army take over, she gets the victors in a room and tells them she wants to start another Hunger games with the people who helped snow with his games.  Peta and one other member said no while Hammich and Katniss said yes as long as she got to kill President Snow.  Katniss then sees President Snow and he tells her that he was not the one to set off the bombs, that President Coin was the one to do it.  He has a way of getting to her and she believes him.  The next day it was time for Katniss to kill President Snow.  She then gets out her bow and arrow and at the last minute shoots President Coin instead of President Snow.  After she doesn't kill President snow the civilians just attack him and you assume he's dead due to the mob of people that rush at him, but you don't see him actually get killed.  

After everything is over Katniss and Peta both go home.  Things were a little weird between them at first, but he started growing some flowers that were called a Primrose.  This is what really broke the ice between the two of them, and then he started staying with her at her old house.  They get a letter from Finnick's widow saying that she had a baby, which was the best ending she could have gotten after losing Finnick.  Its not long before the two end up in bed together and then at the end it shows Peta in the field with their son who appeared to be 3, and Katniss was holding their daughter who was a baby.  The moment that was captured in the end of the movie might have been worth it to Katniss and Peta it was their absolute heaven and there was happiness in their eyes that has never been seen before.  This group will always have the terror and fear in their minds of everything they have gone through, they have lost wifes, siblings, parents, and children.  But, in the end they received as happy of an ending as they could have possibly gotten.

All the anticipation for this movie was well worth the wait, it was absolutely incredible.  This may have been my favorite Hunger Games movie yet.  It is a bummer that this is the ending to an amazing book series and movie series, but it was an incredible ending at that.  I would rate this movie a 10 out of 10.  There is not much I would change, the books were amazing and this movie followed the book pretty closely.  Its hard to say if I would want to change anything or not because of the fact that this follows an amazing story line out of a book, to me that is someones art and their creation so I don't feel it should be changed too drastically.  It was great to see Phillip Seymour Hoffman in one last part, and remember what an amazing talent he has as an amazing actor. I am glad they made this movie into two parts, I don't think one would have done this book justice.  It was also good to see the perspective of Katnisss friend being so hell bend on saving every one in the beginning and then towards the end of this movie we start to see him care less and less about the casualties that are involved.   This movie really gave fans a feel of how it really affected someone mentally, and also to see the damage done on Peta and see him come back from that and get the life that he wanted after being tortured and brainwashed from the one person that was his comfort zone.  This was the best possible ending to an amazing trilogy, and I don't think we could have gotten a better conclusion.

Written by: Gina at Geeking For Everyone  

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